Why in Nature?

Nature is good for us.

It’s not just removing the walls and taking instruction “outside”. It’s about embracing the natural settings, providing meaningful learning experiences, fostering curiosity, and sharing the love and respect for all things that grow. Countless studies illustrate that learning in nature is beneficial for children as well as the extraordinarily positive effects it has on our physical and mental health. Here are just a few reasons to take learning outdoors and homeschool in nature.


Children are motivated to learn when content is connected to nature because nature is real and relevant to them. Outdoor learning promotes communication. Students who participate in outdoor project-based or issue-based activities learn to communicate with their peers and other community members.

Natural Settings

Learning in a natural setting offers unique opportunities for curricular integration. Nature is conducive for connecting and integrating content in all subjects with themes and issues of man and in the natural world.

Calmness & Confidence

Being outside is calming, increasing attention and active learning. Being outside improves self-confidence and makes kids more capable in their surroundings.

Better Learners

Nature is good for us. Time outdoors is shown to make kids happier, healthier, and better learners.

Active Nature-Play

Children are naturally more active outdoors, improving fitness and enhancing academic achievement.

Authentic Environment

Studies show that students learn more when they participate in authentic, inquiry-based lessons in a natural environment.

In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks”

-John Muir