Homeschooling Program 2023-2024

Outdoor Learning & Enrichment Sessions

Session Description

We implement discovery-based and inquiry-driven education to focus on what the kids are interested in. We facilitate learning and help them find answers to questions they have about the natural world. No two days are alike, each session offers an opportunity for endless exploration, life-skills development, confidence building, and nature stewardship.

Sessions may include curriculum-based lessons on Science and Social Studies adapted for the outdoors, daily nature hikes & exploration, zoology and botany lessons on-the-go, environmental science discussion & reflection, nature-inspired arts & crafts, book readings, nature journaling, yoga & mindfulness, community-service projects, guest speakers, wildlife encounters, Spanish exposure throughout the day, games and other learning activities!

The 2023-2024 Academic Year starts on the week of Sept. 4th, 2023 through June 14th, 2023.

Please note that we are a drop-off Outdoor Learning & Enrichment Service and not classified as “Child Care”, though given the hours of service, it may fulfill that need.

Visit “What We Do” for more details about our program or send us an email!


Homeschooling in Nature is a small-scale outdoor learning program with a max target ratio of 8:1, with a Lead Educator and Teaching Assistants. Total group size is capped at 20, including adults. Because capacity is very limited, spots fill up quickly. Waitlists are available, but you must be pre-registered, so that in the event of a cancellation your child can start as soon as a spot becomes available.


There is a one-time $50 Registration Fee (non-refundable) per academic year. Sessions are 6 hours long and priced by the day. We offer half days on a case-by-case basis:

  • $60 for 1st-5th grades

  • $70 for TK-K

Financial Commitment

There is a minimum of 1-day signup each week in a quarter, guaranteeing a spot for the child and current rate. Parent/Caregiver commits to the program on a quarterly basis: Fall (Sep-Dec), Winter (Jan-Mar), Spring (April-June), and a Term Commitment & Enrollment Agreement is signed at the beginning of each quarter. Reserved spots are to be paid in full at the beginning of the quarter, even if the child does not attend or misses a session for a personal reason. Monthly Installments are an option, please contact Ms. Steffani to discuss payment arrangements. If spots are open, drop-in rate is $70 for 1st-5th graders and $75 for TK-K, with prior registration, but no Reg fee required. 

Charter Schools

We are an approved Vendor with Elite Academic Academy, Pacific Coast Academy, Element Education, SoCal Scholars Academy, Cabrillo Point Academy, and Sage Oak Charter Schools. Our services also meet the approved criteria for other Charters like The Classical Academies, for Science Instruction and Enrichment. If you are with a Charter School, please reach out to their vendor department or your Education Facilitator/Specialist to place a request for our services, as all charters have different systems on how to approve and reimburse for our services. Charter rate is $68/Session (regardless of age), please contact us at and/or your Charter to get started.

Refund & Cancelation Policy

Refund requests made at least 3 weeks prior to the start of a Session are subject to a $35 fee per day cancelled. No refunds if less than 2 weeks’ notice. There are no refunds or credits for days missed (illness, vacation, etc.), however make-up days may be available if there are spots open within the same month. In the rare event that Homeschooling in Nature cancels a Session, Parent/Caregiver will be refunded in full for that day, or credit applied to a future Session, whichever is preferred.

*No Refunds or Make-up options for Field Trips, Summer Program, and Holiday Camps.

Locations & Schedule

We are in nature 100% of the time. Rain or Shine! We hold Sessions in public open space areas and nature preserves, mostly in Escondido but are open to other locations with a 7-child minimum. The 2023-2024 academic year is broken into 3 quarters (Sept-Dec, Jan-Mar & April-June). Days offered will be decided based on community interest and sign-ups. If you are interested in a specific day or location, please reach out as we may are very flexible and able to work something out! If you have a pod and are interested in our services coming closer to your area, please reach out. We are not bound by walls, so we can create outdoor classrooms and run our program anywhere :)


Homeschooling in Nature meets on weekdays, from 9am to 3pm.

Sample schedule and activity flow 1

Child drop-off 9:00am

Welcome circle and safety talk 9:00-9:20

Morning hike and exploration 9:20-10:00

Snack on-the-go, sharing time 10:00-10:30

Nature play and explorative hike back 10:30-11:30

Outdoor Classroom set up and lunch! 11:30-12:30

Science/Social Studies lesson*, Independent study, art project 12:30-1:15

Nature play, art, crafts & other activities 1:15-2:20

Closing circle & Storytime 2:20-2:40

Nature-play & Child pick-up 2:40-3:00

*Every session is slightly different in that we focus primarily on explorative and hands-on learning rather than worksheets. Things that children encounter or come across in nature gets incorporated into each day’s teachings, building on their natural curiosity about the world. We reinforce new knowledge during discussion, and incorporate art pieces, book readings, and crafts to reinforce knowledge and make connections. We embrace our nature classroom and all its elements, weather and seasons influence the flow of our days, and we love it!


Sessions are offered during most holidays, and on a first-come-first-serve basis. No registration fee. See Holiday Nature Days under our Programs menu for more information.

After hours & Late Pick-up Fee

On a case-by-case basis, we may offer after hours from 3pm-5pm at $20/hour (billed on 1/2 hour increments).

Late pick-up fee is $1/min after 3:05pm.

How to Reserve a Spot for 2023-2024

Enrollment is open year-round! Because capacity is limited in each Session, reserving a spot is highly recommended. To reserve a spot, register below by using the Registration button and sending the Reg Fee using Zelle. If you have questions before signing up, please send an email to Ms. Steffani at with your questions, contact info, and best time to contact you. We will be in touch with you within 24hrs.

Nature-based Education

Science and Nature are intricately woven into the design of our programs. We embrace nature and all her elements to restore and redirect children’s attention to their immediate natural world. The profound benefits of spending time outdoors are well documented and supported. Nature-based play & instruction goes beyond enrichment, by centering children’s inquisitive nature, thus improving their ability to focus and learn. Having meaningful and semi-structured learning experiences outdoors keeps children engaged, interested, and invested. Every day we strive to build a nurturing and mutually positive relationship between children and nature, as this is the first step into conservation and a more ethical treatment of our planet. Our approach cultivates kindness and a strong bond that deepens their appreciation and understanding of the natural world. Children gradually become nature stewards, they develop a sense of place, and they are encouraged to be advocates for the change they want to see in their community and in the world.

Inquiry-driven Learning

An integrated approach to learning, one that encourages a child’s curiosity about the world, fosters critical thinking, and gives them confidence to ask questions, collect information, visualize data, and formulate answers and solutions individually and as a part of a whole. This pedagogy is not just for science, but extends to social issues, as children see their potential to become advocates for change in their local community.

Child-led Approach

Children are treated as individuals and able to set their own learning pace. We place more value on discovery rather than knowledge, fully embracing childhood curiosity and initiative. We provide a healthy and stimulating learning environment where children can develop leadership skills and make meaningful contributions to our daily group discussion. Our diverse and multi-grade format provide kids with structure, continuity, healthy socialization and routines that promotes kindness and acceptance, where children develop a love of learning, life skills, build self-confidence, and improve academic achievement.  


We would love to offer this program to every child who would like to join, but realize not all families can afford it. We are community-driven, and during the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 school years, Ms. Steffani was able to sponsor several students during the pandemic years by welcoming them on a regular bases without pay. We would love to further this opportunity with your support! If you are interested in sponsoring a child in your community, please reach out! You may also nominate a child using the form below on our Scholarship Wait List, and the reasons he/she/they are to be considered. As we secure funding, we can let you know if/when the child may start. Please note that this option is just starting, but are excited and optimistic for it to grow! Thank you!

“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”

– Richard Steele