COVID-19, Vaccination & Immunization Policy

Based on COVID-19 State and Local Guidelines and Recommendations, participating families are bound to the following policies.

(latest update, July 2024)

Thank you for taking the time to review this important information and PLEASE make sure this is the right program for your family. We are doing our best to keep up to date with the on-going public health situation regarding COVID-19, and we will continue to practice COVID-19 preventative measures.

We updated our policies as the health situation develops:

  • Face masks are optional for everyone regardless of vaccination status.

  • If your child has been diagnosed with COVID-19, a negative test result is required in order to re-enter any of our outdoor learning programs.

  • Vaccination is not required but continues to be recommended.

This applies to Homeschooling in Nature, Summering in Nature, and Holiday Nature Camps.

Educators are fully-vaccinated (including boosters). Our Programs are conducted completely outdoors, where space, wind, sun, and fresh air is abundant. Group size is kept small (under 16 people total, educators included).

Note that while we respect everyone’s choice regarding their preventative habits, families who choose not to get vaccinated (for personal choices) may pose a higher risk of infection/transmission to our outdoor learning community. If an unvaccinated student misses a session due to COVID-19 related reasons, families are NOT eligible for a refund or rescheduling.

Child and Adolescent Immunizations

Per California law:

Homeschooling or independent study without classroom instruction: Students who attend a home-based private school or an independent study program without classroom-based instruction are not subject to immunization requirements for entry. Home schools and independent study programs are obligated to maintain records of students’ immunization status. Students in independent study programs that include classroom-based instruction must be vaccinated according to state laws.”

While our programs operate almost entirely outdoors, based on the location, activities, and weekly subject, some days students may spend a small portion of their day indoors exploring in a Nature/Interpretive Center, historical buildings, museums, research lab, etc. Because this falls under “classroom-based instruction”, we collect students’ immunization records to accommodate and plan ahead for these events (medically-based and other exceptions may be approved given proper documentation). Please contact us to discuss your specific family situation.

Recommended Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule for ages 18 years or younger, United States, 2021

Immunizations vary depending on the age of the child, please click on the link below for more information:

Still have some questions before you commit? Feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to help!